Normally I'm spending time with my wonderful baseball player...however this weekend is GG's (Grandma Gail) birthday and Jordan FINALLY gets to see his favorite team play live! GO DUKE! I'm obviously bummed I can't see him, it's been hard to deal with but can't dwell and he is going to have so much fun!
So this Saturday I will spend my time celebrating GG's birthday..btw I got her the cutest clutch EVER from this store in town called Lilly's. Later I'm going to the fabric store to try and find some scrap material to make some zippered pouches inspired by Gussy Sews tutorial today. I normally make garments but have really wanted to get into sewing "things" so this looked like a cheap/easy way to start. Pics and updates on this later today! yayy :)
Sorry there isn't much to this, I have to start getting ready and thought I'd leave everyone with a little cliff hanger ;)
Happy Easy Brezzy Saturday!

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Cheers to Awkward and Awesome Thursdays!
I've been following the cutie blog The Day Book , I absolutely love how unafraid she is to be herself. Maybe because I see a lot of myself in her. I also have to give her props for opening my eyes to thrifting, now I've always been a thirfting fan, but she has opened my eyes to so much more. Every Thursday Sydney does a Awkward and Awesome blog post, I decided to link up with her and share my many awkward moments and back them up with some pretty awesome ones :)
If you want to link up with The Day Book and post your Awkward and Awesomeness you can click the A&A link above
Tuesday we had an "open house" job fair at my work. I was in charge of escorting groups to the location and giving them a mini tour as they arrived. I ran into a tree, a sign, lost my voice, couldn't catch my breath, and was walking like I had been dancing at a bar all night becuase I forgot flats.
Someone walked into the bathroom as I was "tooting" and caught me making a "toot face" in the mirror
Plans with mom to go to movies:
Step Dad says: I want to go but I have plans with Goody(bff)
Mom Says: Well bring Goody, I don't mind if Brittney doesn't
I say: Oh that's fine I don't care.
We arrive at movies...
Step Dad is in bathroom, my mom sits me bext to Goody not leving space for step dad to sit nex to his friend. It's slightly awkward. Then there is a sex scene. Then step dad says (after movie) hey lets all go to dinner. We get to dinner, I think your mom and I are going to get the 2 for 20...I say oh that's what Jordan and I always get too! (ohp I let it out that's the baseball players name :) Step dad says: Why don't you and goody get it, its a good deal...then he realizes haha it's like we're on a double date. The whole rest of the dinner (until my mom finallyyy steps in ) they are giving jabs that we are on a date and go as far as to ask the servier for a milkshake w/ 2 straws ANNDDD take pictures STOP IT!
It's that time of the month and every walk to the bathroom with my little bag that is masquerading itself as a makeup bag. I am convinced everyone knows what it really is, even though it is a makeup bag.
In the locker room, a woman standing close to and behind me had her backside facing the mirror, I look up and she has her towel lifted lotioning her bum talking to a friend...ahhh
Waking up to a cutey message in my inbox from the boy :)
Yesterday's Yoga class!
I love this season of American Idol and have so much more love for JLO. I was never a JLO hater, I'll clear that up. I've always liked her, just never followed her. AI has made me see what an awesome and real person she is.
AI this season in general!
Today is Thursday that means tomorrow is Friday :)
This is my first Awkward and Awesome Thursday!
I lost 4lbs!
A co-worker just said this and it made me laugh "most women diet before their weddings, I'm eating like a horse"
Jordan has to be the biggest Duke Basketball fan I know, he finalllyyy gets to see them play live for the first time!!!
Not getting to the boy this weekend!! ahhhh
If you want to link up with The Day Book and post your Awkward and Awesomeness you can click the A&A link above
This is me my freshman year...the bestie/best room mate ever took this while I was "poofing" my hair
Tuesday we had an "open house" job fair at my work. I was in charge of escorting groups to the location and giving them a mini tour as they arrived. I ran into a tree, a sign, lost my voice, couldn't catch my breath, and was walking like I had been dancing at a bar all night becuase I forgot flats.
Someone walked into the bathroom as I was "tooting" and caught me making a "toot face" in the mirror
Plans with mom to go to movies:
Step Dad says: I want to go but I have plans with Goody(bff)
Mom Says: Well bring Goody, I don't mind if Brittney doesn't
I say: Oh that's fine I don't care.
We arrive at movies...
Step Dad is in bathroom, my mom sits me bext to Goody not leving space for step dad to sit nex to his friend. It's slightly awkward. Then there is a sex scene. Then step dad says (after movie) hey lets all go to dinner. We get to dinner, I think your mom and I are going to get the 2 for 20...I say oh that's what Jordan and I always get too! (ohp I let it out that's the baseball players name :) Step dad says: Why don't you and goody get it, its a good deal...then he realizes haha it's like we're on a double date. The whole rest of the dinner (until my mom finallyyy steps in ) they are giving jabs that we are on a date and go as far as to ask the servier for a milkshake w/ 2 straws ANNDDD take pictures STOP IT!
It's that time of the month and every walk to the bathroom with my little bag that is masquerading itself as a makeup bag. I am convinced everyone knows what it really is, even though it is a makeup bag.
In the locker room, a woman standing close to and behind me had her backside facing the mirror, I look up and she has her towel lifted lotioning her bum talking to a friend...ahhh
Waking up to a cutey message in my inbox from the boy :)
Yesterday's Yoga class!
I love this season of American Idol and have so much more love for JLO. I was never a JLO hater, I'll clear that up. I've always liked her, just never followed her. AI has made me see what an awesome and real person she is.
AI this season in general!
Today is Thursday that means tomorrow is Friday :)
This is my first Awkward and Awesome Thursday!
I lost 4lbs!
A co-worker just said this and it made me laugh "most women diet before their weddings, I'm eating like a horse"
Jordan has to be the biggest Duke Basketball fan I know, he finalllyyy gets to see them play live for the first time!!!
Not getting to the boy this weekend!! ahhhh
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Cheers to Coffee
I love coffee, do you love coffee? It's more than just a drink that gives ya a little boost in the AM. It's just cozy and comforting. I love mornings when I can wake up before everyone else, grab my book and coffee, and just be. I love how it brings old friends together, I love how it can be the center of catching up, I love how it revives you on long nights studying for a grueling exam. I love how it brings comfort during bad situations, I love coffee art in latte's. (ok latte is espresso but obviously lattes are included)
What else do I love? The coffee cup the boy surprised me with last year for my b-day, it's in hand every morning :)
So in honor of coffee, here's some coffee art :)
All my pictures came from here obvi except the first one which is me ;)
What else do I love? The coffee cup the boy surprised me with last year for my b-day, it's in hand every morning :)
So in honor of coffee, here's some coffee art :)
My bloggin' coffee art :)
All my pictures came from here obvi except the first one which is me ;)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Cheers to Forgiveness
The boy is so wonderful, I think this is his biggest pet peve, but he loves me anyway :)
He's just looking out for me (probably himself too) and doesn't want me(us) to burn the apartment down or get electrocuted;)
As a Christian and with the way things are these days forgiveness is so important. We have so much stress, unfairness, and wrong doings in our lives, can you imagine how much hatred and angst we would hold in our hearts if we didn't forgive people.
My grandma has had quite the many things have happened to her; abuse, death of son and brother, health, and addiction in our family...the list also goes on.
I was talking to her about my dad not that long ago and she told me that the only way she gets through the day is to stay angry, she thinks that if she doesn't it will be too much to handle on top of all the grieving, stress, and medical issues she's also dealing with.
My grandma is such a strong willed woman, some may call her stubborn...ok they might be accurate. I think strong willed is more fitting for her though, she has been through so much that I can't blame her, so sometimes my advice just goes out the window when I tell her, but I tell her anyway.
If my grandma could just let go, not be angry and forgive my dad I think it would help her. The forgiveness doesn't take away the worry but it lets you focus on him, it lets you focus on the person we KNOW he is and the person we hope to get back some day. Letting go and forgiving would allow her to throw away some of the stress and sadness on her heart, its not hers, it's his so don't take it. He is her child so I understand this is hard (not fully bc I don't have kids) I just wish she would try.
Try to forgive those who have done wrong to you, its not worth carrying around.
After all...what right do they have to interfere in your emotions that way, none so don't let them.
Everyone makes mistakes, we have to remember that, show grace to people like people in the past have shown you, and God has shown us by forgiving our sins.
Ephesians 4:23 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you"
Colossians 3:13 " Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you have may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
Cheers to Snow? Am I crazy?!
Yesterday I knew my parents were going to have today off because today is President's Day and those lucky ducks are teachers. Then a surprise snow came...they started complaining "man, we would have had a snow day tomorrow, I can't believe we are wasting it"
Say whatttt!!! Are they really saying this? I don't get snow days, I still have to wake up at 5:15AM and face the scary roads and people with 4-wheel drive zooming past my little focus.
****side note to the people who say "if you live in MI you should have 4-wheel drive, so I don't want to hear you complain". When you decide to pay for my car/gas then you can talk to me.
This morning I decide...Ok Brittney, you have to go to work today regardless of the snow, embrace it and wake up with a smile on your face. That smile turned into quite the look when I walked out side and realized it snowed EVEN MORE. I finally get my car brushed off, start backing out of the drive way and BAM, I'm stuck. After 10min of trying to get "un stuck", I wake up the sleeping step-dad. Another 5min and I'm cruising (not before rolling down my window to yell THANKS JT!!! and a large amount of snow crashes on me inside my car).
Ok after all that I'm still thinking no reason we can't still have a good morning right, I might as well stop and get a coffee, it is after all $1 Monday at Biggby. What happens? I get stuck AGAIN! At this point I have already text my manager and informed him that I would be late, he calls back as I'm trying to get un-stuck for the 2nd time and says just stay home, if the roads clear later and you want to come into the office you can. So I decide to just campout here at Biggby and get some work done...I DO NOT want to get stuck again.
In honor of the lady who informed me if you have front wheel drive GO SLOW or you'lll dig your self in a hole, I decide to look up tips for driving in the snow. I've had my license for 7 years now, you'd think I would have looked this information up a long time ago. Nope, not me, so to save you from's what I found.
1. Give yourself time and be patient. We all hear it but, it's better to arrive late opposed to not arriving at all.
2. Leave PLENTY of space between you and the car in front of you. No sense in making your commute even more nerve wracking by ramming into the car in front of you.
3. Never hit your breaks hard. Either slowly press your breaks to slowly slow down or tap your breaks
4. Pay attention and try to predict slowing traffic and light changes so you have time to react properly
5. Do not assume your car can handle it
If you get stuck...
1. Don't spin your wheels, you'll dig yourself deeper
2. Turn your wheels side to side a few times to push snow out of the way
3. Use a light touch on your gas to ease car out
and as my mamma always says...
1. Always make sure your gas tank is full so it doesn't freeze
2. Always have windsheild wipper fluid
3. Keep a blanket and bottles of water in your car just in case you get advice add in a book, cosmo, snacks, and people magazine. You're going to want more than water and a blanket if you're stranded!
Say whatttt!!! Are they really saying this? I don't get snow days, I still have to wake up at 5:15AM and face the scary roads and people with 4-wheel drive zooming past my little focus.
****side note to the people who say "if you live in MI you should have 4-wheel drive, so I don't want to hear you complain". When you decide to pay for my car/gas then you can talk to me.
This morning I decide...Ok Brittney, you have to go to work today regardless of the snow, embrace it and wake up with a smile on your face. That smile turned into quite the look when I walked out side and realized it snowed EVEN MORE. I finally get my car brushed off, start backing out of the drive way and BAM, I'm stuck. After 10min of trying to get "un stuck", I wake up the sleeping step-dad. Another 5min and I'm cruising (not before rolling down my window to yell THANKS JT!!! and a large amount of snow crashes on me inside my car).
Ok after all that I'm still thinking no reason we can't still have a good morning right, I might as well stop and get a coffee, it is after all $1 Monday at Biggby. What happens? I get stuck AGAIN! At this point I have already text my manager and informed him that I would be late, he calls back as I'm trying to get un-stuck for the 2nd time and says just stay home, if the roads clear later and you want to come into the office you can. So I decide to just campout here at Biggby and get some work done...I DO NOT want to get stuck again.
In honor of the lady who informed me if you have front wheel drive GO SLOW or you'lll dig your self in a hole, I decide to look up tips for driving in the snow. I've had my license for 7 years now, you'd think I would have looked this information up a long time ago. Nope, not me, so to save you from's what I found.
1. Give yourself time and be patient. We all hear it but, it's better to arrive late opposed to not arriving at all.
2. Leave PLENTY of space between you and the car in front of you. No sense in making your commute even more nerve wracking by ramming into the car in front of you.
3. Never hit your breaks hard. Either slowly press your breaks to slowly slow down or tap your breaks
4. Pay attention and try to predict slowing traffic and light changes so you have time to react properly
5. Do not assume your car can handle it
If you get stuck...
1. Don't spin your wheels, you'll dig yourself deeper
2. Turn your wheels side to side a few times to push snow out of the way
3. Use a light touch on your gas to ease car out
and as my mamma always says...
1. Always make sure your gas tank is full so it doesn't freeze
2. Always have windsheild wipper fluid
3. Keep a blanket and bottles of water in your car just in case you get advice add in a book, cosmo, snacks, and people magazine. You're going to want more than water and a blanket if you're stranded!
My camp-out spot until I decide to brave the roads again.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Cheers to beau's bright idea!
So the baseball player being a man of timeliness and staying on schedule came up with a fantastic way of making an egg sandwich. I have to share his awesomeness (is that a word?)
First crack your egg in a mug (or bowl) the boyfriend likes uniformity and he says if you do it in a mug it comes out in a perfect shape and it doesn't fall off the bread like when you scramble eggs in a skillet.
Scramble like you would before cooking in a skillet, then microwave for 1minute, check eggs you may have to add for 30more seconds.
Ok it looks kind of nasty, I'll admit, but it's not. He likes his in this shape, not me I had to break mine up. But lunch or breakfast in a minute and 30 seconds! Yes please! You can also add in cheese before you put the eggs in the microwave if you like too :)
You go baby! How man version of domesticated he is :)
Cheers to 1st anniversary
I wanted to make sure all my pictures were perfect before I did this post.
Feburary 11th was the baseball player and I's 1st anniversary, and what an anniversary it was!

Saturday was breakfast in bed....what a little trickster he was about that! I felt him wake up and he said oh just go back to sleep I'll be right back, next thing I know that cute little thang is walkin' in with a yummy breakfast!
You probably gathered from the previous posts, but it was also his Birthday and Valentine's Day that weekend. I made him dinner, we had our favorite cupcakes from The Flying Cupcake I took him birthday shopping, and I made him a special breakfast. I couldn't have asked for more.
He put so much thought into everything we did that weekend. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life. I can not wait to see what the next year has in store for our relationship.
Feburary 11th was the baseball player and I's 1st anniversary, and what an anniversary it was!
It started off by getting gorgeous flowers sent to me at work!
The man downstairs said I had a special so special
When it finally hit 4: 30 I headed to Indy, 4.5 hrs later I arrived...
We went to our favorite restaurant, the Cheesecake factory.

Red Velvet Cheesecake....Yes Please!!!
Saturday was breakfast in bed....what a little trickster he was about that! I felt him wake up and he said oh just go back to sleep I'll be right back, next thing I know that cute little thang is walkin' in with a yummy breakfast!
The weekend continued with...
hot sauce chicken dinner, champagne, wine, berries and chocolate,
the Fray, tons of smiles, laughs, and lots of love.
Our champagne during our hot sauce chicken dinner
You probably gathered from the previous posts, but it was also his Birthday and Valentine's Day that weekend. I made him dinner, we had our favorite cupcakes from The Flying Cupcake I took him birthday shopping, and I made him a special breakfast. I couldn't have asked for more.
He put so much thought into everything we did that weekend. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life. I can not wait to see what the next year has in store for our relationship.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Cheers to Movie Night
Whats better than cuddling up with your love, a cozy drink, blanket, and a good flick, I love watching movies. Granted, if it's at home after a long day and I'm snuggled on the couch...I'll more than likely fall asleep. That doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it though, don't be fooled. So after 2 attempts, last night we finally finished Children of Men, with Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, and Michael Caine. Has anyone seen it? Well it's pretty intense. It takes place in 2027 and in the past 18 years no babies have been born! Can you imagine the sadness in the world, everyone would feel so hopeless, technology would stop advancing, many business would crash. What would be the point if the world isn't going to continue. I won't go into too much detail, I mean who likes a movie spoiler! This is def a good is as I call a "stressful" movie however. So you have to be in the mood for that.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Cheers to the Birthday Boy!!
It's my baseball players birthday!!! He woke up going I feel so olddd....mind you he's only 22 and I'm turning 23 in May!
Ok, I'd like to keep this a positive blog. However I just have a littleee opinion about gift giving that's been bugging me since December, not because I couldn't let go, but because gift giving holidays kept coming up. So I was at work in December and we were talking about gifts. One lady (I say lady meaning, yes this is a grown woman) said "I hate getting stupid gifts" followed by other negative comments. I was asked what I was hoping to get, I reply honestly and say .."I don't really care what I get, the fact they thought to get me anything is enough for me" and everyone in the room said I was BSing. WHAT?! Can we go back to when were little kids and our parents always told us its the thought that counts. How can a thought like I hate this stupid gift pop in to your head, I'm pretty sure those aren't the values people will instill in their children. Then a few days before Valentine's Day people were calling in and saying how they compete with gifts and on and on and I got her an ipod and she just drew me a painting.
People, it isss the thought that counts. Holidays are expensive and if you have 20 people to buy for it's really expensive. We buy gifts because we care, because it is the thought that counts!
Ok, I'm done venting about that, its happy times and celebration to for Baseball Players Birthday! YAYYYYY
My MeMaw (it's my southern coming through, this is what I call my mom's mom in TN), sent baseball player a birthday card, it was so sweet! She wrote a longer note in his card then she did in mine! Ohhh Memaw! On the card was the coolest quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson..."What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." How cool is that?! This is what I take out of it. Our past is our past, things we've done that we wish we did differently and things that happened to us that we wish didn't. Things that may be happening in our present or happen in our future are bare no matter to the strength and will and the true person that we really are. They hold no comparison to our true person. We all make mistakes and have regrets, remember your true person.
**All Pictures googled...ok so i know the princess snail isn't exactly "boy birthday" but it was just too cute to pass up!
***still not sure why "googled" is not considered a verb
Ok, I'd like to keep this a positive blog. However I just have a littleee opinion about gift giving that's been bugging me since December, not because I couldn't let go, but because gift giving holidays kept coming up. So I was at work in December and we were talking about gifts. One lady (I say lady meaning, yes this is a grown woman) said "I hate getting stupid gifts" followed by other negative comments. I was asked what I was hoping to get, I reply honestly and say .."I don't really care what I get, the fact they thought to get me anything is enough for me" and everyone in the room said I was BSing. WHAT?! Can we go back to when were little kids and our parents always told us its the thought that counts. How can a thought like I hate this stupid gift pop in to your head, I'm pretty sure those aren't the values people will instill in their children. Then a few days before Valentine's Day people were calling in and saying how they compete with gifts and on and on and I got her an ipod and she just drew me a painting.
People, it isss the thought that counts. Holidays are expensive and if you have 20 people to buy for it's really expensive. We buy gifts because we care, because it is the thought that counts!
Ok, I'm done venting about that, its happy times and celebration to for Baseball Players Birthday! YAYYYYY
My MeMaw (it's my southern coming through, this is what I call my mom's mom in TN), sent baseball player a birthday card, it was so sweet! She wrote a longer note in his card then she did in mine! Ohhh Memaw! On the card was the coolest quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson..."What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." How cool is that?! This is what I take out of it. Our past is our past, things we've done that we wish we did differently and things that happened to us that we wish didn't. Things that may be happening in our present or happen in our future are bare no matter to the strength and will and the true person that we really are. They hold no comparison to our true person. We all make mistakes and have regrets, remember your true person.
The boyfriend trying on his birthday jeans ;) what a cute bootay
**All Pictures googled...ok so i know the princess snail isn't exactly "boy birthday" but it was just too cute to pass up!
***still not sure why "googled" is not considered a verb
Monday, February 14, 2011
Cheers to Valentine's Day
So I woke up this morning and made a delicious breakfast for my wonderful baseball player...courtesy of the ever so creative Martha Stewart.
Heart Shaped Cookie Cutter
Thick Slices of bread
Butter or Pam
I made a few alterations to the breakfast.
1. Thick Slices of bread ( I used 100% whole grain cinnamon bread, it gave it a little sweet addition)
2. Spray the inside of your cookie cutter with Pam or butter. I use Pam (less calories)
3 Just a little tip, once your eggs are almost done, if you take the cookie cutter out, the egg won't move, so I flipped it over, to toast the other side a little more. Just remember you want your eggs to be almost finished or it will run.
4. We also had turkey bacon, but that was after I took the picture, sat down, started eating, and was like oh crap I forgot the bacon.
Heart Shaped Cookie Cutter
Thick Slices of bread
Butter or Pam
I made a few alterations to the breakfast.
1. Thick Slices of bread ( I used 100% whole grain cinnamon bread, it gave it a little sweet addition)
2. Spray the inside of your cookie cutter with Pam or butter. I use Pam (less calories)
3 Just a little tip, once your eggs are almost done, if you take the cookie cutter out, the egg won't move, so I flipped it over, to toast the other side a little more. Just remember you want your eggs to be almost finished or it will run.
4. We also had turkey bacon, but that was after I took the picture, sat down, started eating, and was like oh crap I forgot the bacon.
How cute is this!
Picture our cupcakes from The Flying's a cell phone pic
Bad pic...AMAZING cupcakes!
I apologize for the quality of my pictures. I don't have a fancy camera and do my best to edit them on picnick to make them decent looking ;)
By the way if you haven't used picnik and don't exactly have the best camera or photo taking skills like moi...its super fun to use and really helps improve the quality of your pictures :)
Ok, so back to Valentine's Day <3
What an exciting day its been so far! Baby "K" was born last night on Valentine's Day eve!!! His name is Spiros (Spirit) Maximus(the greatest). Mamma K did wonderfully, she delivered this 9lb bundle of joy with no meds....all natural! I can't wait to meet my new baby cousin. Along with all of that love I get to meet my valentine for breakfast and get Hot Sauce Chicken for dinner!
Just remember all you independent souls out there...Valentine's Day is a day of love....not a day of significant others. So celebrate your love for your self, bestie, or family! Go pamper your self, have a movie night with the girls, have coffee with your mom, dad, sister, grandma, grandpa, step-dad, brother, anyone you want to show your love for.
Happy Valentine's Day!! I leave you with this really creepy Valentine I googled :)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Cheers to New and maybe not so comfortable experiences
Ok, so I'm all for new experiences and learning about new cultures and traditions, in fact I love it!
Friday and Sunday(yes Superbowl Sunday) I had 2 very new yoga experiences.
Friday I went to a Yin Yoga class with my brother's girlfriend. If you aren't sure what Yin Yoga is, its a yoga practice that focus on flexibility more than strengthening by hold poses for long periods of time. I was super excited for this, I'm all about working on flexibility and well I love yoga. Sunday the class was at a studio by my house that I've been wanting to try out, the actual practice there was more of your traditional practice.
Well so why were these not so comfortable but still exciting experiences?
I normally take yoga at work, an instructor, whom I loveeee btw, comes to our gym and teaches a class, so it's not in the traditional setting.
Yin Yoga was in a loft with tea light candles all around in Eastern Market Downtown Detroit. Such a calming atmosphere...well until everyone started making strange noises! At one point she told everyone to start making their favorite animal noise! Now mind you these poses are not cozy and can bring some pain, you're hold them for like 3 min. so I get the sighs. (Yoga breath is normally done all through the nose). These noises however were was as if they were having a spiritual experience during the posture. I understand for some yoga is just that a spiritual experience, for me its more for calmness, strengthening, and flexibility, so I was taken aback. So what did I get out of this... holy cow those people are sooooooooo bendy! Annddd while yin yoga might not be for me, the studio offers classes on ariel yoga and trappezee! I'm looking into signing up and I can't wait!
Sunday's Yoga class...I've never been in a class where they actually chanted, in fact I didn't even know they did that. So as we were preparing for the class to start imagine my surprise as everyone starts saying "ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" in unison. Once the class ended, our instructor didn't say a word and walked out of the room and no one said a word to each other. Now I am a very social person, and my goal in trying this studio was to find a "community" feel studio and to increase my knowledge in yoga while strengthening. I think I am going to try this studio one more time and while they are ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming, take that time to pray. I really enjoyed the actual practice and wow the people in that class were so strong, a woman held a forearm stand for 2min!
I also received a groupon deal for a month unlimited at a yoga studio near by called Detroit Yoga, it was only 30$! I couldn't pass it up, so maybe I'll find what I'm looking for there?
Anywho...moral of the story, try new things, respect other cultures, traditions, and practices, even if its not for you. It's ok to be uncomfortable and you can still get something out of it, I did.
Song I feel like:: Fiona Apple-Extraordinary Machine
Friday and Sunday(yes Superbowl Sunday) I had 2 very new yoga experiences.
Friday I went to a Yin Yoga class with my brother's girlfriend. If you aren't sure what Yin Yoga is, its a yoga practice that focus on flexibility more than strengthening by hold poses for long periods of time. I was super excited for this, I'm all about working on flexibility and well I love yoga. Sunday the class was at a studio by my house that I've been wanting to try out, the actual practice there was more of your traditional practice.
Well so why were these not so comfortable but still exciting experiences?
I normally take yoga at work, an instructor, whom I loveeee btw, comes to our gym and teaches a class, so it's not in the traditional setting.
Yin Yoga was in a loft with tea light candles all around in Eastern Market Downtown Detroit. Such a calming atmosphere...well until everyone started making strange noises! At one point she told everyone to start making their favorite animal noise! Now mind you these poses are not cozy and can bring some pain, you're hold them for like 3 min. so I get the sighs. (Yoga breath is normally done all through the nose). These noises however were was as if they were having a spiritual experience during the posture. I understand for some yoga is just that a spiritual experience, for me its more for calmness, strengthening, and flexibility, so I was taken aback. So what did I get out of this... holy cow those people are sooooooooo bendy! Annddd while yin yoga might not be for me, the studio offers classes on ariel yoga and trappezee! I'm looking into signing up and I can't wait!
Sunday's Yoga class...I've never been in a class where they actually chanted, in fact I didn't even know they did that. So as we were preparing for the class to start imagine my surprise as everyone starts saying "ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" in unison. Once the class ended, our instructor didn't say a word and walked out of the room and no one said a word to each other. Now I am a very social person, and my goal in trying this studio was to find a "community" feel studio and to increase my knowledge in yoga while strengthening. I think I am going to try this studio one more time and while they are ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmming, take that time to pray. I really enjoyed the actual practice and wow the people in that class were so strong, a woman held a forearm stand for 2min!
I also received a groupon deal for a month unlimited at a yoga studio near by called Detroit Yoga, it was only 30$! I couldn't pass it up, so maybe I'll find what I'm looking for there?
Anywho...moral of the story, try new things, respect other cultures, traditions, and practices, even if its not for you. It's ok to be uncomfortable and you can still get something out of it, I did.
Song I feel like:: Fiona Apple-Extraordinary Machine
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Cheers to "me time" Mornings
I decided Monday, after many weeks of trial and error that I'd actually start getting up early and take some time to sit, enjoy some coffee and write in my blog in the morning. So far I'm 2 for 2 and I'm enjoying it, despite the fact I've had 2 late nights. 1. because Sundays for some reason I just can't go to bed early, I don't like saying good bye to the weekends. and 2. I was up last night finishing part of my baseball players gift for our many celebrations we have coming up <3
I have a lot of inspiring women in my life and to give honor to those women this morning I'm going to share some of the "inspiring things" we pass along to each other.
This on is apparently taught at Stanford...hmmm
"I just finished taking an evening class at Stanford. The last lecture was on the mind-body connection - the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman, whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends.
At first everyone laughed, but he was serious. Women connect with each other differently and provide support systems that help each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences. Physically this quality “girlfriend time" helps us to create more serotonin - a neurotransmitter that helps combat depression and can create a general feeling of well being. Women share feelings whereas men often form relationships around activities. They rarely sit down with a buddy and talk about how they feel about certain things or how their personal lives are going. Jobs? Yes. Sports? Yes. Cars? Yes. Fishing, hunting, golf? Yes. But their feelings? Rarely.
Women do it all of the time. We share from our souls with our sisters/mothers, and evidently that is very good for our health. He said that spending time with a friend is just as important to our general health as jogging or working out at a gym.
There's a tendency to think that when we are "exercising" we are doing something good for our bodies, but when we are hanging out with friends, we are wasting our time and should be more productively engaged—not true. In fact, he said that failure to create and maintain quality personal relationships with other humans is as dangerous to our physical health as smoking!
So every time you hang out to schmooze with a gal pal, just pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for doing something good for your health! We are indeed very, very lucky. Sooooo let's toast to our friendship with our girlfriends. Evidently it's very good for our health."
Strong Person
A strong person knows how to keep their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say "I'm Ok" with a smile.
God is good. Change is coming.
17. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
18. Agree to disagree. You don't have to win every argument.
19. Don't compare your life to others'. You don't know their journey.
20. Ladies- Go on and burn those special candles, use the 600 thread count sheets, the good china, and wear your fancy lingerie now. Stop waiting for a special occasion, every day is special.
(that ones my favorite and I think about it every time I say ohh I should wait)
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Forgive everyone for everything.
23. What other people think of you, is none of your business.
24. Tim heals almost everything, give time, time!
25. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
26. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will, stay in touch with them.
27. Envy is a waste of time. God provides, remember.
28. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.
29. Do the right thing
30. Call your family often
31. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: "I am thankful for___." "Today I accomplished___."
32. You are too blessed to be stressed.
33. Enjoy the ride. Remember that this is not Disney World and you certainly don't want a fast pass. You only have one ride through so make the most of it and enjoy the ride.
My mommy
I have a lot of inspiring women in my life and to give honor to those women this morning I'm going to share some of the "inspiring things" we pass along to each other.
This on is apparently taught at Stanford...hmmm
"I just finished taking an evening class at Stanford. The last lecture was on the mind-body connection - the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker (head of psychiatry at Stanford) said, among other things, that one of the best things that a man could do for his health is to be married to a woman, whereas for a woman, one of the best things she could do for her health was to nurture her relationships with her girlfriends.
At first everyone laughed, but he was serious. Women connect with each other differently and provide support systems that help each other to deal with stress and difficult life experiences. Physically this quality “girlfriend time" helps us to create more serotonin - a neurotransmitter that helps combat depression and can create a general feeling of well being. Women share feelings whereas men often form relationships around activities. They rarely sit down with a buddy and talk about how they feel about certain things or how their personal lives are going. Jobs? Yes. Sports? Yes. Cars? Yes. Fishing, hunting, golf? Yes. But their feelings? Rarely.
Women do it all of the time. We share from our souls with our sisters/mothers, and evidently that is very good for our health. He said that spending time with a friend is just as important to our general health as jogging or working out at a gym.
There's a tendency to think that when we are "exercising" we are doing something good for our bodies, but when we are hanging out with friends, we are wasting our time and should be more productively engaged—not true. In fact, he said that failure to create and maintain quality personal relationships with other humans is as dangerous to our physical health as smoking!
So every time you hang out to schmooze with a gal pal, just pat yourself on the back and congratulate yourself for doing something good for your health! We are indeed very, very lucky. Sooooo let's toast to our friendship with our girlfriends. Evidently it's very good for our health."
Strong Person
A strong person knows how to keep their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say "I'm Ok" with a smile.
God is good. Change is coming.
In 2009, to start off the new year, my aunt forwarded me this in an email--I kept it and reefer to it often:
1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate antidepressant.
2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Buy a lock if you have to.
3. Buy a DVR, tape your late night shows and get more sleep.
4. When you wake up in the morning complete this statement, "My purpose is to ____today".
5. Live with the 3 E's--Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy
6. Watch more movies, play more games, and read more books than you did last year.
7. Always pray and make time to exercise.
8. Spend more time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.
9. Dream more while you're awake.
10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants
11.Try to make at least 3 people smile each day.
12. Clear the clutter from your house, car, and desk
13.Invest your energy in the positive present moment. Don't waste your energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you can't control.
14. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class...but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime
15. Life isn't fair but it's still good
16. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone17. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
18. Agree to disagree. You don't have to win every argument.
19. Don't compare your life to others'. You don't know their journey.
20. Ladies- Go on and burn those special candles, use the 600 thread count sheets, the good china, and wear your fancy lingerie now. Stop waiting for a special occasion, every day is special.
(that ones my favorite and I think about it every time I say ohh I should wait)
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Forgive everyone for everything.
23. What other people think of you, is none of your business.
24. Tim heals almost everything, give time, time!
25. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
26. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will, stay in touch with them.
27. Envy is a waste of time. God provides, remember.
28. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up.
29. Do the right thing
30. Call your family often
31. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: "I am thankful for___." "Today I accomplished___."
32. You are too blessed to be stressed.
33. Enjoy the ride. Remember that this is not Disney World and you certainly don't want a fast pass. You only have one ride through so make the most of it and enjoy the ride.
Here are the women who have shared with me :)
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My GG and I- Grandma Gail |
My mommy
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Monday, February 7, 2011
Cheers to Finding the Good in the Bad
Today I received the news that my cousins house burned down this morning. Her and my aunt (her grandma) are in MI visiting right now which means no one was hurt and the animals were all at "babysitters". GCH has had to deal with more than any 18 year old should have to deal with, it broke my heart hearing this news from her today...seeing as she isn't here, I'll leave her story to her.
The news brought me back to my senior of high school, when my house burned down. I remember going to bed that night not having a toothbrush, deodorant, make up, anything. Those all sound like such silly things to miss, but those are things we often take advantage of. How lucky we are that those are considered silly things to miss, some don't have that luxury.
I was at work when I heard the news, MC and her mom picked me up and took me to my house. When I got there my brother was sitting on the curb by himself, my mom was in hysterics, and my little sisters where keeping warm in a neighbors house. MC and her mom later went and got hot chocolate for everyone and soup; this was in October, so it was freezing outside and we were out there for a longgg time. MC's mom also spent time praying with mine.
In the end no one was hurt and our cat (who is indoor/outdoor) was outside.
The way people came together for my family during this time was unimaginable and so so much appreciated. MC gathered a bunch of people from our senior class to go around the neighborhood to ask for cash donations or cans and bottles they could recycle. MC being the cutie she is created a scrapbook of the whole thing. Not only was it freezing that day, it was also the day of the halloween dance at school, and as we all know, dances take a while to get ready for, so they also took time out of getting ready to help. A few days later, everyone met at a restaurant and presented the money they collected for my family, the scrap book, and a gift card for me to a spa. This is something I will never ever forget, I never expected it, I will always hold this near my heart. I told MC today, every time I'm telling this story, then only part that chokes me up is this. Among MC and everyone did, families donated clothes, blankets, make up, you name it, it was given. I was a student aide for a sewing class, which was also the class my favorite teacher taught. My favorite teacher, Mrs. Bosckay kept sending me on errands one day, when I arrived from the last errand, I walked in to all the girls with a bag of clothes for my sisters and I and a card. I cried...the gifts just kept coming. Gifts came from everywhere, I still have all the cards that were given to me during that, and I'll always keep them.
Loosing your home and all of the pictures and memories is a hard thing to grasp. I shared a room with 2 little sisters, on an air mattress for at least 7 months. There were many other things going on in my life at that time as well. We have to remember to always give thanks in bad times. Be thankful and grateful for everything you do have, for the people in your life that love you or reach out to you. For the people you had no idea they even knew you existed but cared enough to reach out. The strangers who reach out because they truly care. Be thankful you still have the memories that those pictures showed.
I don't have any pictures of MCs event on my computer right now, but I will have one posted soon.
The news brought me back to my senior of high school, when my house burned down. I remember going to bed that night not having a toothbrush, deodorant, make up, anything. Those all sound like such silly things to miss, but those are things we often take advantage of. How lucky we are that those are considered silly things to miss, some don't have that luxury.
I was at work when I heard the news, MC and her mom picked me up and took me to my house. When I got there my brother was sitting on the curb by himself, my mom was in hysterics, and my little sisters where keeping warm in a neighbors house. MC and her mom later went and got hot chocolate for everyone and soup; this was in October, so it was freezing outside and we were out there for a longgg time. MC's mom also spent time praying with mine.
In the end no one was hurt and our cat (who is indoor/outdoor) was outside.
The way people came together for my family during this time was unimaginable and so so much appreciated. MC gathered a bunch of people from our senior class to go around the neighborhood to ask for cash donations or cans and bottles they could recycle. MC being the cutie she is created a scrapbook of the whole thing. Not only was it freezing that day, it was also the day of the halloween dance at school, and as we all know, dances take a while to get ready for, so they also took time out of getting ready to help. A few days later, everyone met at a restaurant and presented the money they collected for my family, the scrap book, and a gift card for me to a spa. This is something I will never ever forget, I never expected it, I will always hold this near my heart. I told MC today, every time I'm telling this story, then only part that chokes me up is this. Among MC and everyone did, families donated clothes, blankets, make up, you name it, it was given. I was a student aide for a sewing class, which was also the class my favorite teacher taught. My favorite teacher, Mrs. Bosckay kept sending me on errands one day, when I arrived from the last errand, I walked in to all the girls with a bag of clothes for my sisters and I and a card. I cried...the gifts just kept coming. Gifts came from everywhere, I still have all the cards that were given to me during that, and I'll always keep them.
Loosing your home and all of the pictures and memories is a hard thing to grasp. I shared a room with 2 little sisters, on an air mattress for at least 7 months. There were many other things going on in my life at that time as well. We have to remember to always give thanks in bad times. Be thankful and grateful for everything you do have, for the people in your life that love you or reach out to you. For the people you had no idea they even knew you existed but cared enough to reach out. The strangers who reach out because they truly care. Be thankful you still have the memories that those pictures showed.
I don't have any pictures of MCs event on my computer right now, but I will have one posted soon.
Here are some pictures I have of my family and in 2006 (my senior year of HS)
My brother and I before Prom...this is at our new house.
My mom was engaged at the time our house burned. Because of everything, they had to buy a new house a little quicker than planned. Props to JT for giving up his bachelor lifestyle and moving in his fiance and 4 kids. Without him I'm not sure what we would have done.
My favorite teacher and I in 2006...notice above I spent some time in the tanning bed before prom
I have to scan more in
Ohhh and tooth update! Yesterday, I forced myself to eat solid food.
1. Because I was craving Potbelly
2. I think I was getting irritable because my family kept asking me "what's wrong" and I'd say "IM HUNGRY"
So, I went to Potbelly got a sandwich and actually ate it, hurt a little but I think it was because I was babying my gums so much. I get my stitches out tomorrow!!! eek hope it doesn't hurt!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Cheers to things that make us feel better
Ok, I'll start from the beginning...
4 days ago (for 4 days) my right jaw / upper gum was hurting. I was getting so irritated, could NOT figure out what was wrong. Friday I was traveling to Indiana to visit my baseball player and I figured out the problem! A pesky wisdom tooth was growing in! Now, I was surprised because my dentist had me under the impression there was no sign of them.
5 Days Later...
I go to the dentist for a consultation and come out with 2 less teeth! The procedure went really well, I didn't feel a thing, the after was ok. Yesterday I was able to eat melted ice cream and broth. Today soft toast I let melt on my tongue, pancakes I let melt on my tongue, and my lovely sister went and got me some lemon rice soup (yumm).
Luckily today is what us Michiganders have been referring to as "Snowmagedon". My manager told me to work from home today (yayy for grown up snow days!) banks, restaurants, and many businesses either pushed back their opening times or just didn't open. Also, pretty much every school and university from here to Indiana was closed. Now, I planned on spending my grown up snow day, cleaning, doing laundry, working out, and working on getting ideas for some art projects. I didn't have much energy today and when I exerted any I got dizzy.
These are some things that I turn to when I'm not feeling well...
**All images were from google searches
4 days ago (for 4 days) my right jaw / upper gum was hurting. I was getting so irritated, could NOT figure out what was wrong. Friday I was traveling to Indiana to visit my baseball player and I figured out the problem! A pesky wisdom tooth was growing in! Now, I was surprised because my dentist had me under the impression there was no sign of them.
5 Days Later...
I go to the dentist for a consultation and come out with 2 less teeth! The procedure went really well, I didn't feel a thing, the after was ok. Yesterday I was able to eat melted ice cream and broth. Today soft toast I let melt on my tongue, pancakes I let melt on my tongue, and my lovely sister went and got me some lemon rice soup (yumm).
Luckily today is what us Michiganders have been referring to as "Snowmagedon". My manager told me to work from home today (yayy for grown up snow days!) banks, restaurants, and many businesses either pushed back their opening times or just didn't open. Also, pretty much every school and university from here to Indiana was closed. Now, I planned on spending my grown up snow day, cleaning, doing laundry, working out, and working on getting ideas for some art projects. I didn't have much energy today and when I exerted any I got dizzy.
These are some things that I turn to when I'm not feeling well...
Multiple Episodes of Sex and the City---HBO only please
This has been my favorite movie since, well the first time I saw it.
No one will watch it with me because I can recite the whole thing.
Old movies: this is my go to, any other Audrey movie, Shirley Temple, or Tony Curtis
And of course...being pampered helps, we can all admit it ;)
**All images were from google searches
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