Thursday, July 28, 2011

I love a rainy night

Yes this is what I was singing as I wrote the title of this post:
Cause I love a rainy night
Yeah, I love a rainy night
Well, I love a rainy night
Well, I love a rainy night
Ooh ooh

There is nothing quite like the sound of rain as you're snuggled up in bed in a big cloud of blankets.  I loveee sleeping when it's raining, everything is still except for the calm sound of rain hitting the pavement. 

But then....BANG BOOM BAM! Thunder decided to come in and ruin everything last night, thanks thunder.  Take thunder and throw in a REALLY bad dream where a guy named the almond killer? was going around kidnapping people, oh and guess who he got in my dream? Yup me!...that jerk.  

I'm going to pretend the thunder and Almond Killer didn't happen and this is what did :)....


What's your favorite way to sleep?

My 2 perfect scenarios would be 
1. With Jordan snuggled up and the sound of rain hitting the tin roof we are under
2. With Jordan (I get the best sleeps laying next to him ;) camping, and the rain hitting the top of our tent, I just love that sound :)

I just love this picture...

Happy Thursday!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cheers to Mother Nature

Does anyone else follow Betty Confidential? I love it!  
Here is an article that I just finished that can help us all ;)

Click link above to read the full article

PMS is largely caused (and exacerbated) by a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, so it can be remedied by eating properly. In addition to getting plenty of sleep and exercise, these natural PMS-fighting foods will help you kick your PMS to the curb:

1. Magnesium
Studies have shown that women experiencing excessive PMS symptoms often have a deficiency of the mineral magnesium in their bodies. Eating foods high in magnesium helps to fight bloating by keeping water retention to a minimum. Plus, magnesium works to regulate your serotonin and hormone levels, which stabilizes your mood and can help keep the PMS blues (and mood swings) at bay. To get your daily dose, try pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and cashews.

2. Calcium
Studies have also shown that getting plenty of calcium has beneficial affects on a woman’s menstrual cycle. Getting your daily allotment of calcium can decrease bloating, cramps, irritability and mood swings. Try incorporating more low-fat dairy into your diet with yogurt or cottage cheese. For those who are lactose intolerant, almonds and salmon are also great sources of calcium. But, be careful not to overdo it with the dairy—too much calcium can actually hinder the body’s ability to absorb magnesium.

3. Vitamins A, B6 and E
These essential vitamins are super troopers when it comes to fighting a variety of PMS symptoms. When you’re about to get your period and feeling less than stellar, increasing your intake of vitamin B6 -- it's one of the most surefire ways to alleviate a number of symptoms. Vitamin B6, is necessary to regulate the body’s estrogen levels because it reduces blood estrogen and increases testosterone (too much estrogen causes mood swings, anxiety and an inability to focus).  B6 also plays a crucial role in increasing the effectiveness of magnesium, so it also helps with bloating and muscle aches. To make sure you’re getting enough B6, take a B complex supplement and add B6-rich foods such as bananas, spinach, potatoes (with the skins on), bell peppers and whole grains. Vitamins A and E are not only awesome for your complexion, they also help battle PMS by decreasing irritability and alleviating breast tenderness.
4. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
These healthy fats have been shown to reduce cramping caused by menstruation, and generally aid in lessening PMS symptoms, especially when combined with vitamin E. Salmon, tuna, olive oil, flaxseeds, walnuts and soybeans are all excellent sources of omega-3. 

5. Manganese
Found in pineapple, brown rice and spinach, this mineral has been shown to increase mood and decrease water retention.

Now that you know the foods that help PMS, make sure to steer clear of these PMS-boosters that will only make you more bloated, crampy and moody. Ick!

-Skip the soda and coffee! Caffeine can increase bloating, worsen skin problems, and contribute to anxiety and irritability. And, unsurprisingly, it doesn’t help with premenstrual insomnia either.

-Salt also contributes greatly to water retention and can dehydrate the skin, causing breakouts. 

-Stay away from the sweets! Sugar depletes those valuable B vitamins and can contribute to moodiness.

I wouldn't say I get PMS...ok, others might beg to differ haha. 
I do however eat like my stomach is the Marry Poppins bag and crave sweets like no other!

Did anyone else read this in the article?
"Stay away from the sweets!  
Sugar depletes those valuable B vitamins and can contribute to moodiness."

I would probably eat that whole plate of brownies :x 

I know I'm not alone on that one
Plus, what a great excuse! You can't help it if 1x a month your body craves crazy amounts of sweets, the process isn't fun as it is so why not indulge and not feel guilty right ;)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cheers to Kate Spade new arrivals

Totally loving the new arrivals from kate spade! 
Think retro 50's house wife but a little cheeky, and a little more sass.  So retro, I love love love! 

Each month's new items are inspired by some of kate spade's favorite artists..."creating a spirited series of limited edition prints and short films, designed to be released as each month's color is revealed."

A little background on this month's artist Christopher David Ryan from the kate spade website:
 "christopher david ryan is a graphic artist, illustrator, daydreamer, pseudo-scientist, wanna-be astronaut and untrained intellectual. he is said to find inspiration everywhere, especially in music, the universe, natural phenomena and the human condition. he creates bold, illustrative work under the CDR moniker as well as more progressive graphic work through his one-man studio, atmostheory."

Below are some of my favorites from the collection, it was hard to narrow it down!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cheers to Harry Potter!

Any Harry Potter fans out there?! I know you are!!!

I regretfully have to say I am one of the fans that haven't read the books, however thoroughly enjoy the movies!  The first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone came out when I was 10 years old.  My friend at the time was reading it, I tried...but couldn't quite fathom passing up my copy of the book Clueless (yes I had the actual book Clueless, it was pretty much word for word the movie) for a 500 page book about wizards (give or take).  A few years later BAM Harry Potter started spreading like wild fire!  I currently have 5 books in line that I need to finish reading.  My sisters happen to have every single book, hard and soft copies it seems when I finally the books on my list I'm going to read the Harry Potter books.  Some of my friends who aren't book readers don't understand...if something was a book before it was a movie, I feel it is quite sinful to not read the actual book ;)

If any of you lovelies out there are planning to go see the premier at midnight, or are like my sisters and are heading to the movies for a double feature the 1st part of the Deathly Hallows plays and then right after the 2nd, I have a little Harry Potter cocktail for you.  I'm sure all you Potter fans know about Butterbeer!

Here are the ingredients:
1 cup light or dark brown sugar
2 tablespoons water
6 tablespoon butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cider vinegar
3/4 cup heavy cream, divided
1/2 teaspoon rum extract
Four 12-ounce bottles cream soda

Follow this link from YumSugar for the complete recipe!

Finally I shall leave you with some HP inspired photos compliments of Pintrest

Monday, July 11, 2011

Cheers to sleeping through my alarm AGAIN! but still being on time!

Alright, today is final straw!  That's it, I'm putting my foot down!  All last week I woke up late, because I didn't hear my alarm go off.  I am a phone alarm user, it sits right next to my bed, on my night stand, with the volume turned all the way up to where the residents in the nursing home across the street could hear it! But do I wake up? nooooo.  Now normally if I know I have to get up, I don't really fall into a deep deep sleep (maybe that's why I'm always so tired), because I'm always nervous I'll miss my alarm.

Well all last week 1 of 3 things kept happening...
1. I kept hearing my alarm go off but I'd accidently hit dismiss instead of snooze
2. I'd hit snooze, then when my 2nd alarm would go off I'd hit dismiss but not wake up
3. I'd hit dismiss say ok Brittney lay here for 2min then you have to get up!  I'd do that then 30min later, I wake up in sheer panic because I have fallen back to sleep!

So last night, again I set 3 different alarms.  1 for 5:20, 5:25, and 5:30. that way I figure if I hit snooze or dismiss on an accident, not big deal another alarm will go off in 5min.  I'm not sure what happened last night...because I got nada.  Either those 3 alarms never went off or I was in a state of an oblivion and managed to dismiss all of them!  I didn't wake up until 6:17...I walk out the door between 6:45-6:50!

Today I take a stand for no more panic wake ups.  After work, I'm buying a regular alarm clock!

Or perhaps this is what I should label my alarms...

I'm sure I can find a cutie one somewhere instead of the standard radio clock


Orrr maybe I should just put a bunch together like this

Does anyone else have a difficult time waking up on time? What's your secret?

Have an awesome week everyone!!!