Monday, July 11, 2011

Cheers to sleeping through my alarm AGAIN! but still being on time!

Alright, today is final straw!  That's it, I'm putting my foot down!  All last week I woke up late, because I didn't hear my alarm go off.  I am a phone alarm user, it sits right next to my bed, on my night stand, with the volume turned all the way up to where the residents in the nursing home across the street could hear it! But do I wake up? nooooo.  Now normally if I know I have to get up, I don't really fall into a deep deep sleep (maybe that's why I'm always so tired), because I'm always nervous I'll miss my alarm.

Well all last week 1 of 3 things kept happening...
1. I kept hearing my alarm go off but I'd accidently hit dismiss instead of snooze
2. I'd hit snooze, then when my 2nd alarm would go off I'd hit dismiss but not wake up
3. I'd hit dismiss say ok Brittney lay here for 2min then you have to get up!  I'd do that then 30min later, I wake up in sheer panic because I have fallen back to sleep!

So last night, again I set 3 different alarms.  1 for 5:20, 5:25, and 5:30. that way I figure if I hit snooze or dismiss on an accident, not big deal another alarm will go off in 5min.  I'm not sure what happened last night...because I got nada.  Either those 3 alarms never went off or I was in a state of an oblivion and managed to dismiss all of them!  I didn't wake up until 6:17...I walk out the door between 6:45-6:50!

Today I take a stand for no more panic wake ups.  After work, I'm buying a regular alarm clock!

Or perhaps this is what I should label my alarms...

I'm sure I can find a cutie one somewhere instead of the standard radio clock


Orrr maybe I should just put a bunch together like this

Does anyone else have a difficult time waking up on time? What's your secret?

Have an awesome week everyone!!!

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